Tuesdays @ 7pm
Join us in the Oak Room (in the basement of Maucker). Games and hangout at 6:30p, study and small groups at 7pm. We can't wait to meet you and get connected!
Join us in the Oak Room (in the basement of Maucker). Games and hangout at 6:30p, study and small groups at 7pm. We can't wait to meet you and get connected!
Come hang out. Do some homework. Take a study break. Just be together!
Join us for an in-depth study through the Sermon on the Mount. Discover how words spoken 2,000 years ago still have meaning for us today!
Join one of our Cedar Valley supporting churches for worship and fellowship. Amazing churches with amazing people.
Every semester we travel to one of our campuses and serve alongside a local non-profit. This spring, we are headed to Ames to serve alongside The Bridge Home at their fundraiser!
Easter at the Lake of Ozarks? Absolutely! All college students and HS seniors are invited to join CCF as we travel to Missouri for our annual Spring Retreat. It is always an incredible time of God's Word, community worship, the beautiful outdoors, and being renewed as we wind down another semester. Contact Preston for more info!